Putting it all together:
Wash your potatoes and get the baking soda and rosemary.

Dice your potatoes and chop the fresh rosemary

Add water to your pot and spoon in the baking soda.

Add the potatoes to the water and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Turn down the heat to a simmer once they begin to boil.

If the heat is too high, the baking soda may cause the pot to boil over, so watch it closely!

Once the potatoes have boiled for 3 minutes, remove them from the heat and strain them, shaking the strainer to remove excess moisture.

Place the potatoes on a prepared baking sheet and sprinkle on the chopped rosemary.

Spread the potatoes into a single layer on the baking sheet and place in the pre-heated oven. Because all ovens are different, it may take more or less time to brown the potatoes. Make sure you stir them about half way through.