Contact Serving Healthy LLC

Paul Webster BS CHN, CSN, CPT
Chef Instructor
Personal Trainer

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Serving Healthy LLC
8753 Yates Dr. #225-D
Westminster, CO 80031
Office hours: By Appointment Only

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As a Certified Nutrition Consultant, I am your ideal health and lifestyle coach. Certified in Weight Management, Sports Nutrition, and Whole Food (Holistic) Nutrition, I am also a Certified Personal Trainer, former world class athlete, and a classically trained chef that studied in the United States, Italy, and France. I believe that a healthy whole food lifestyle provides the most benefit.


© 2025 - Serving Healthy LLC

"Serving Healthy ®" is a registered trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (Reg. No. 5,678,101). Serving Healthy LLC, the Serving Healthy ® website, and employees of Serving Healthy LLC offer nutrition and fitness advice based on current studies and understandings of what is considered to be a healthy nutrition plan and healthy lifestyle. We will not diagnose medical conditions nor will we prescribe any medications. If you have an immediate medical concern, please consult with a physician without delay. We also recommend consulting with your physician prior to engaging in any physical fitness program. Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to provide a medical release from a physician prior to making drastic changes in diet or receiving fitness training from Serving Healthy LLC.

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