Serving Healthy ® - Secure Donation Screen

Thank you for your kindness by offering a donation to Serving Healthy. Your donation will support our goal to educate people on the health benefits of whole-food plant-based nutrition through live virtual training, recorded video and in-person education.
If you have attended any of our virtual classes or have followed our YouTube videos and other social media, we are very thankful for your support. If you have not yet attended any of our live virtual classes, please sign up to recieve email notifications so you know when future classes will be scheduled.

After submitting the required information below, you will be taken to the donation page where you will be able choose any donation amount you would like and you can donate by credit card, debit card, or PayPal account.

Please fill out and submit the information below.
Your name and email address are required for verification purposes.
All other fields are optional.
Contact Information:
Client ID:

*First Name:

*Last Name:


Address 1:

Address 2:


State:     ZIP:  

Additional comments or questions:

I would like to receive email notification when a new recipe or blog post is published.
I would like to receive monthly newsletters via email.

Your name and contact information will remain private and will not be distributed or shared with anyone. Your email address will be used for communication directly with Serving Healthy LLC only if you agree to recieve blog or newsletter updates.

Please type the letters you see in the image for verification: