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Pastrami Rub
Servings: Varies depending on application: Yield - About 1/2 cup of rub
Recipes are rated from 1 to 5 forks, with 1 fork being the easiest and 5 forks the most challenging.
This is a great rub for tofu if you are a former meat eater and miss pastrami sandwiches.
Here is a link to a great Tofu Pastrami Wrap! Tofu Pastrami Wrap
Prep Time 5 minutes |
Cook Time n/a |
Basic Rub:
- 3 Tablespoons coarse ground black pepper
- 2 Tablespoons ground coriander
- 1 Tablespoon brown sugar
- 1 Tablespoon smoked paprika
- 2 teaspoons granulated garlic
- 2 teaspoons granulated onion
- 1 teaspoon mustard powder
- 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
Special Equipment:
No special equipment is required.
Preparation Method:
Mix the ingredients for the rub:
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and mix thoroughly with a fork.